Pike fishing in Poland
Pike fishing has always been very popular in Poland. Whether it’s spinning or – especially years ago – fishing with a live bait, huge numbers of anglers have been looking for pike since May 1, which is a kind of fishing festival in Poland – this is the moment, when the pike season begins (the season lasts until the end of December).
Most anglers treat the pike as their ultimate trophy and this is not a surprise. Pike is probably the largest (not in terms of size, but above all in terms of predation – fish constitute the vast majority of a pike’s diet) predator of Polish waters – it is very strong, fast, dynamically fighting on a rod and often shows off by acrobatic jumps above the water surface.
At the same time, it is a great opponent for less experienced anglers who, under the supervision of a guide, can often enjoy a fantastic trophy even on their first pike expedition.
Pike fishing methods
Pike is caught using many fishing methods – starting from a live or dead natural fish to sports methods – spinning, trolling, vertical fishing and fly fishing.
Our guides specialize in sports methods, with particular emphasis on trolling, spinning and vertical fishing.
We use various types of lures selected and adjusted to the place, season and the current way, how fish feeds – starting from huge wobblers and soft lures, even 30 cm, up to micro-jigs, 3-5 cm in size. Thanks to the experience and knowledge of the situation in the water, our guides always help to choose the optimal lures for a given situation – so as to maximize the chances of effective fishing.

Pike fisheries
Pike is found in virtually all waters in Poland – starting from mountain rivers, through ponds, lowland rivers, lakes, up to the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. However, primarily due to the fishing pressure, their abundance vary in different waters.
Therefore, the fishery where we fish with our clients is always selected individually in a given situation: depending on the location of our client, as well as the possibilities and time available for fishing, and the current situation in various reservoirs.
Most often we fish in the rivers of Mazovia and Pomerania (including the rivers: Bug, Narew, Nogat) and the best lakes (including Żarnowiec, famous for its huge pikes, as well as lakes of Warmia and Masuria, Zegrzyńskie lake near Warsaw and small Masovian ponds and lakes – unknown to a wide angling society hidden pearls with a healthy pike population)
Pike fishing in Poland with a fishing guide
Pike is a fish that is relatively easy to catch for a skilled angler, but still – catching it requires considerable knowledge and preparation. Selection of the fishing spot, time, lure, equipment, adjustment to the conditions prevailing by the water and many other elements – all of this will be taken care of by our professional fishing guides in order to multiply the chances of success by the water.
All this becomes even more important if the goal of the expedition is to get a real trophy pike – a specimen weighing at least a few kilograms and exceeding the magical 100cm in length. Many anglers who have been pike fishing for years still dream of catching such a huge fish.
Targeting trophies requires even more preparation and methodical action. Although such hunting often requires a lot of effort, we guarantee that the reward in the form of a photo and a view of the released huge pike going back to a deep water is definitely worth it.
However, not everyone is able to spend hundreds of hours analyzing the behavior of fish, getting to know the water in detail, etc. Especially then, the support of an experienced, professional fishing guide is indispensable.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in a pike expedition with us.