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WIld-life watching locations and fishing spots in Poland

Wisła river / Vistula

Queen of Polish rivers

The last large, unregulated European river that flows for long stretches in a completely natural landscape.

Still very fishy, inhabited by countless wild birds and animals.

Wild life locations and fishing spots in Poland

“Small Masuria”

Wild lakes hidden among fields and forests

In the immediate vicinity of Warsaw, we have a few unknown pearls – small eutrophic lakes that resemble the Masurian “older brothers”.

Full of perch and pike and inhabited by huge numbers of birds.

Białowieża Forest

Sanctuary of European Bison

A vast forest complex, one of the last primeval forests in Europe.

The forest is a refuge for European bison, which we regularly observe during our expeditions. It is also home to many other species of animals and birds. With a bit of luck, we might even spot a wolf or a lynx.

Wild life locations and fishing spots in Poland

Other rivers

Bug, Narew, Wkra, Bzura

The meandering Bug flowing swiftly through sandy-clay areas, Narew rolling its black waters through marshy-peat areas or the shallow and rocky Wkra and Bzura …

Each of them offers excellent opportunities for bird and animal watching or fishing.

Wild life locations and fishing spots in Poland