Catfish fishing in Poland – how to start?
Catfish (Silurus glanis) is the largest predatory fish not only in Poland, but also more widely – in European fresh waters. It is commonly found in rivers, lakes and dammed reservoirs.
Due to its size, strength and dynamics, successful fishing a catfish, especially a large one, is an unforgettable experience, that requires very strong equipment, especially in places near fallen trees, roots and other underwater obstacles, near which catfish love to rest.
Catfish is a warm-waters fish and therefore feels and feeds very well during the summer, when the activity of other species is usually lower. The season for catfish in Poland begins on June 1st and finishes on the last day of October. The peak of feeding, and at the same time the period when it is probably easiest to get a big catfish is in late summer – August and September, but catfish are fished successfully throughout the whole period, when it is allowed.
How to catch catfish? – fishing methods
Successful catfishing is possible in many ways, which are divided into two basic groups – passive and active methods.
Passive methods are stationary fishing methods, in which live or dead, but natural bait is put close to the expected places of catfish feeding.
Active methods we use to catch catfish are primarily spinning, the vertical method and trolling.
The vertical method involves placing the bait directly under the boat, while observing it on the sonar screen. At the same time, the fish are attracted with a specially shaped so-called “clonk”, with which the angler strikes the surface of the water. The attracted fish approaching the lure can observed in real time on the sonar and angler (moving the lure vertically) can actively provoke and attract it to bite.
Spinning and trolling methods are primarily based on active searching for fish in various spots, where we expect the catfish to feed or rest. The most typical lure is crankbait, but also various jigs can be used.
Regardless of the method chosen, catfish fishing equipment must be very strong. One should expect and prepare for a strike of a large catfish (we never know what size the fish will bite the lure!) – braided line 40-60 lbs and a proper rod and reel are the minimum necessary when fishing from a boat. When fishing from the shore, the equipment must be even stronger!

Catfish spots
Catfish in Poland is a common living in all our large rivers and dam reservoirs, as well as in lakes, especially larger ones.
Typical spots, where catfish stay in rivers are deep currents and meanders, where catfish usually stay and rest near the bottom. However, they often feed in such places patrolling the water at various levels of depth. In the Masovian Vistula, such spots are usually all kinds of currents with a depth of at least 4 meters.
In the evenings and at night (but also during the day), catfish go to feeding grounds in shallower places with a lot of bait-fish. The most common are sand and stone reefs, flows and rushes behind mid-river dams and other water obstacles.
The daily catfish spots in dam reservoirs are quite similar. A typical spot is the old river bed, especially near all kinds of rubble, old, flooded buildings or stone houses. Active and feeding catfish comes to shallow water, where the whitefish (bream, roach or silverfish) resides.
Catfish fishing in Poland with a fishing guide
There is no bigger or stronger fish in Polish waters than a catfish. This is probably why for most anglers it remains the Holy Grail – a fish that will definitely provide a tone of emotions and satisfaction, and which one can be proud of not only to a fellow angler, but (due to its size) also to family and friends.
Catching a catfish “on the go” – without in-depth knowledge of the habits of these fish or without preparation of an expensive equipment is not easy. That is why using the services of a professional fishing guide is a frequently chosen and perhaps the best option.
Wild River fishing guides not only know perfectly the fishing methods and best fishing spots on our biggest rivers: Wisła (Vistula), Narew, Bug, Odra and on Zegrzyński Lake. They are also equipped with fast boats with the top and modern fishing electronics and, of course, professional fishing equipment that allows for effective fishing even when facing the largest catfish!
We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer and join Wild River fishing guides on a targeted catfish trip!

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